Monday, June 15, 2009

Roughly 18 months ago..

Roughly 18 months ago i was looking at selling my house, I didn't have a much choice as the first house i bought was a business deal between a friend and myself, we pooled our resources and bought a house as a start into the real estate market.

It all started when my friend called me one day and said he wanted out as he and his girlfriend wanted to buy their own house. This was fine as we had agreed prior to buying the house if either of us wanted out then we sell the house and split the profit.

The house was up for sale and i had to find a way to stay in the market, renting wasn't an option, that's why i got into the real estate market in the first place. I couldn't afford a house on my own and i wasn't about to buy a tiny block of land in the suburbs for an astronomical price.

At this point my only option was to move away from the city, about an hour and a half drive out of the city to be exact, there i looked around and found a patch of land the suited my needs and my budget, well maybe not my budget but close enough.

The block is located in a residential acreage area and is one and a half acres in size (for the metric minded that's 6000 square meters) measuring 40m wide and 150m long with a gentle dip in the middle.

The photo below is looking towards the road from the back of the block, the big dead gum tree (apparently it was hit by lighting a couple of years ago) is approximately where the center of the block is.

The purchase of the block didn't go through for another 6 months, with all the hassels of selling the house.

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